Monday, October 29, 2012

Interactive Architecture Pre-Assignment Reflection

a. Monomyths: My favourite piece of the house? Most of the house is actually unappealing. But the most interesting part would be the heads that pop out and display old stories. It's a bit of an invasion of privacy, but it's meant to be a creepy look into someone else's private life. The heads light up when emitting sound, and it seems you can pull the heads out closer to you so you can kneel down and give them a ki- observation. Observe their faces and stories. The combination of movement, sound and lights all make for a more interesting piece than the mirror that shows you the past (3 seconds into the past. Mind-boggling.) and the seat with a soundboard.  I'd say if I were to make a piece it would deal with sound being the interactive bit and lights to show how you're affecting the piece.

b. LED ceiling: The world's biggest LED screen can be art by influencing the viewer. Art is meant to affect people, make them think and question. Some pieces of art are just big black cubes with no marks, no identifiable artists or interesting designs. The entire piece is a blank masterpiece meant to make the viewer think, and it does this well. A giant LED screen can influence the viewer, lighten their spirits, make them think differently, and even advertise to them. It would be a way to transport people to a different place of the world, so for fleeting moments they're no longer in a mall, they're in a sea of stars blinking and unblinking. Watching stardust in the wake of boats that travel overhead. This LED screen could be a window to the artist's mind.

c. Ocean of Light: This is a pretty interesting piece of technology. It could make the viewer feel different when evelopped. In a sea of red they could feel scared, or angry. The lights from the cieling invoke emotions based on the colours and being wrapped in the lights forces the viewer to think and feel differently. It can also make fleeting moments of wonder and awe at pleasing fireworks and designs. Though it doesn't have too much usability aside from flashy-lights looking pretty. It's art in the way Final Fantasy 13 is good-looking. It's a pretty painting until you look at it from the side and see it's entirely two-dimensional. There's no depth beyond the pretty colours.

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