Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Interactive Architechture Assignment Reflection

I have done a LOT on the technical side in this assignment. It's crazy, so I'll break it up a bit.

Adjusting colours to get brighter whites and less yellows. Adjusting the lights to be singular (so I can move them around in flash) and tweaking the blur to look better (coming clearly from the roof, and blurry near the floor). I had to re-blur and select a smaller area about 10 times in order to have the "gradual" blur effect. I separated the equalizer, lights and letters to be manipulated later in flash. I had to make sure they were opaque (so I could adjust transparency later in flash, simpler) and resized them to fit the image better.

From the get-go I wanted everything on as few frames as possible. I was tired of dealing with frames 1-300 just to get a simple effect. Therefore from the start I knew I had to start using/abusing graphics and movie clips. I also had to learn a bit of actionscript in order to get the flashing letters to pop up only when holding down the button. In order for that I had to use functions wherein 0 meant the light was off, and 1 represented completing 1 animation. After letting go of the light it will complete its revolution and revert back to 0, turning off. The buttons were easy frame switches, goto-3, goto-5, easy stuff. The sounds were actually the worst part of the animation, and I could have kept it to 4 frames had it not been for them. In order to get the sounds to stop playing when switching between frames I had to insert a "stopallsounds" script. This script got in the way of all sounds on that frame though, so I had to make one frame into "stopallsounds" and the next frame to "playsound-1". Most of everything else shown is clever use of movie clips and loops. They're simple enough and controlled by the frame you're on.

Idea or Concept
My idea barely changed throughout the creation of my piece. I added small modifications and adjusted the disco-floor idea, but otherwise it's mostly interacting through sound and touch. The disco-floor looked horrible. Honestly terrible. I couldn't make the floor look realistic and I couldn't make it look GOOD, or fun to be on. So I scrapped that idea and turned it into a panel of flashing lights that the viewer could hold down and see the SACRED HEART flash in their colour of choice. Another slight adjustment was the stage lights that changed colour based on the volume of the viewer. This matched well with the equalizer to show just how much the viewer can interact with the medium.

Matt barely influenced me this time. He was well and busy. In fact I was my own inspiration for the majority of the project. I'd be pensive and wait for a good idea and spring into action when I thought of delivering the concept well. I was my own motif, my own idol.

The art was mostly symmetrical. Looking at the panel you see a solid grid, the equalizer was a large solid line, the lights were all in a nice even row, even Matt (hopefully the viewer projects themselves unto Matt) stood directly in the center of the piece. The piece is assymetrical with the angle and how the lights and panel are placed awkwardly around one another, but at its heart it's a symmetrical piece. I believe the sides compliment each other. The viewer feels safe knowing each side is comfortable being around the other, which in turn makes the viewer feel comfortable. It's in this state of comfort that my art piece truly feels appreciated.

My motivation was the pursuit of bettering myself in Flash. Despite having an older program I still pulled off some good feats. Being better at an older program lets me be even better in newer programs with more features. I'm glad to have improved this much in Flash, and I know this is solid ground to start working on my portfolio. I'll most likely bring a newer version of Flash to school though, at minimum Macromedia Flash 8 (most reliable version). Though I was glad to work simply for the goal of bettering the work. Making my art stand out in a crowd is pleasing and is its own reward. Were I not able to motivate myself to animate I would not pursue art, I would pursue a desk-job that I wouldn't need motivation for.

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