Thursday, September 20, 2012

Building Your Digital Portfolio - PART 1: Strategy

PART 1: strategy
a. I'm sure my family is expecting a layout at least on par with the clean look of my Cat Empire album. They've watched me make art and I'm sure they wouldn't settle for a cluttered mess. They're expecting a good looking, professional album. Friends of mine don't really expect anything. My friends haven't seen much of my art besides my hand-drawn works and a few of my lighter photoshops. They'll probably support me regardless of how bad my art turns out. Art schools on the other hand would be expecting a lot from me. Better than the average students and on par with professionals, otherwise why would they be accepting me? I'm glad I'm working with photoshop where the skill cieling is lower, as everyone has the opportunity to use photoshop to it's best. Not everyone has the painting talents of Da Vinci, and not everyone can draw as good as the professionals. But photoshop is a little easier to pick up and much easier to be good at.

b. I'm hoping they'll be surprised at the level of proffesionalism my portfolio will show. It's going to be more menu-based with a very clean layout, nice art in the background and no confusing bits. I'm hoping someone will open my portfolio and say "wow, this is beautiful, and I know exactly where to click to see his art". I don't think I can knock anyone's socks off, but having a nice looping video in the background (one that doesn't distract) and a clear menu will probably catch their attention.

c. I'm going to have a more subdued look for my portfolio, but that doesn't mean the crazy people won't appreciate it. The background video should be blurry and looping, dark, and the menu's text should be bright and easy to read. I'm sure I'll have people reflecting on the nature of my portfolio. They'll be saying "How can one make such a beautiful piece of art flow so smoothly with such a professional looking portfolio? Masterfully done."

d. Practicality and clear communication are going to rank much higher in my portfolio. I want anyone to be able to open my portfolio and know where to go. I don't want my prospective art school to open my portfolio and say "What now? Where do I go? I want them to see my art with the least amount of clicks between opening my portfolio and opening my image.

e. Being original is my goal. I want to have a professional looking portfolio, but that does not mean I have to sacrifice originality. I'm just going to be more clean, clear and concise. Being a graphic designer I'd definitely have an advantage over portfolios of those who draw street art. My portfolio is going to be based on a tried-and-true design with the advantage of an origina idea. Much like Minority Report, a professional design with an original idea.

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